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- /*
- ** $VER: StartUp.c 37.16 (23.8.97)
- **
- ** Library startup-code and function table definition
- **
- ** (C) Copyright 1996-97 Andreas R. Kleinert
- ** All Rights Reserved.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/resident.h>
- #include <exec/initializers.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h> /* all other compilers */
- #include "graphics3Dc.h"
- #include "graphics3Dbase.h"
- #include "graphics3D2D.h"
- #include "graphics3Df.h"
- extern ULONG L_OpenLibs(void);
- extern void L_CloseLibs(void);
- struct Graphics3DBase *InitLib( REG(a6) struct ExecBase *sysbase,
- REG(a0) struct SegList *seglist,
- REG(d0) struct Graphics3DBase *exb );
- struct Graphics3DBase *OpenLib( REG(a6) struct Graphics3DBase *ExampleBase);
- APTR CloseLib( REG(a6) struct Graphics3DBase *Graphics3DBase );
- APTR ExpungeLib( REG(a6) struct Graphics3DBase *exb);
- ULONG ExtFuncLib(void);
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! LibStart:
- !
- ! If someone tries to start a library as an executable, it must return
- ! (LONG) -1 as result. That's what we are doing here.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- LONG LibStart(void)
- {
- return(-1);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Function and Data Tables:
- !
- ! The function and data tables have been placed here for traditional
- ! reasons.
- ! Placing the RomTag structure before (-> LibInit.c) would also be a good
- ! idea, but it depends on whether you would like to keep the "version"
- ! stuff separately.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- extern APTR FuncTab [];
- extern struct MyDataInit DataTab;
- /* instead you may place ROMTag + Datatab directly, here */
- /* (see LibInit.c). This may fix "Installer" version */
- /* checking problems, too. */
- struct InitTable /* do not change */
- {
- ULONG LibBaseSize;
- APTR *FunctionTable;
- struct MyDataInit *DataTable;
- APTR InitLibTable;
- } InitTab =
- {
- sizeof(struct Graphics3DBase),
- &FuncTab[0],
- &DataTab,
- InitLib
- };
- APTR FuncTab [] =
- {
- OpenLib,
- CloseLib,
- ExpungeLib,
- ExtFuncLib,
- /* add your own functions here */
- /* pubbliche */
- /* for compatibility , don't change never the order of this functions */
- /* add the new one after the last **/
- GD_switch_rp,
- GD_clipbox,
- GD_cls_b,
- GD_over,
- GD_display3d,
- GD_close_display3d,
- GD_changeviewmode,
- GD_changeviewmodeobj,
- GD_touchpalette,
- GD_moveforward,
- GD_viewangle,
- GD_frustum,
- GD_createlightsource,
- GD_ambientlight,
- GD_positioncamera,
- GD_aspectratio,
- GD_clipmode,
- GD_newobj,
- GD_deleteobject,
- GD_addobjvertex,
- GD_addobjpoly,
- GD_cattpoly,
- GD_setobj,
- GD_getobj,
- GD_translateobject,
- GD_positionobject,
- GD_scaleobject,
- GD_rotateobject,
- GD_pickobj,
- GD_rgb4,
- GD_paintframe,
- GD_newview,
- GD_recalcobj,
- GD_cascene,
- GD_int2fix,
- GD_fix2int,
- GD_sfl2fix,
- GD_fix2sfl,
- GD_dfl2fix,
- GD_fix2dfl,
- /* add the new one from here **/
- /* private */
- /* tappo */
- (APTR) ((LONG)-1)
- };
- extern struct Graphics3DBase *Graphics3DBase;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! InitLib:
- !
- ! This one is single-threaded by the Ramlib process. Theoretically you can
- ! do, what you like here, since you have full exclusive control over all
- ! the library code and data.
- ! But due to some bugs in Ramlib V37-40, you can easily cause a deadlock
- ! when opening certain libraries here (which open other libraries, that
- ! open other libraries, that...)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- struct Graphics3DBase *InitLib( REG(a6) struct ExecBase *sysbase,
- REG(a0) struct SegList *seglist,
- REG(d0) struct Graphics3DBase *exb)
- {
- Graphics3DBase = exb;
- Graphics3DBase->exb_SysBase = sysbase;
- Graphics3DBase->exb_SegList = seglist;
- if(L_OpenLibs()) return(Graphics3DBase);
- L_CloseLibs();
- {
- ULONG negsize, possize, fullsize;
- UBYTE *negptr = (UBYTE *) Graphics3DBase;
- negsize = Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_NegSize;
- possize = Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_PosSize;
- fullsize = negsize + possize;
- negptr -= negsize;
- FreeMem(negptr, fullsize);
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! OpenLib:
- !
- ! This one is enclosed within a Forbid/Permit pair by Exec V37-40. Since a
- ! Wait() call would break this Forbid/Permit(), you are not allowed to
- ! start any operations that may cause a Wait() during their processing.
- ! It's possible, that future OS versions won't turn the multi-tasking off,
- ! but instead use semaphore protection for this function.
- !
- ! Currently you only can bypass this restriction by supplying your own
- ! semaphore mechanism.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- struct Graphics3DBase *OpenLib( REG(a6) struct Graphics3DBase *ExampleBase)
- {
- Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_OpenCnt++;
- Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_Flags &= ~LIBF_DELEXP;
- return(Graphics3DBase);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! CloseLib:
- !
- ! This one is enclosed within a Forbid/Permit pair by Exec V37-40. Since a
- ! Wait() call would break this Forbid/Permit(), you are not allowed to
- ! start any operations that may cause a Wait() during their processing.
- ! It's possible, that future OS versions won't turn the multi-tasking off,
- ! but instead use semaphore protection for this function.
- !
- ! Currently you only can bypass this restriction by supplying your own
- ! semaphore mechanism.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- APTR CloseLib( REG(a6) struct Graphics3DBase *Graphics3DBase )
- {
- Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_OpenCnt--;
- if(!Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_OpenCnt)
- {
- if(Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_Flags & LIBF_DELEXP)
- {
- return( ExpungeLib(Graphics3DBase) );
- }
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! ExpungeLib:
- !
- ! This one is enclosed within a Forbid/Permit pair by Exec V37-40. Since a
- ! Wait() call would break this Forbid/Permit(), you are not allowed to
- ! start any operations that may cause a Wait() during their processing.
- ! It's possible, that future OS versions won't turn the multi-tasking off,
- ! but instead use semaphore protection for this function.
- !
- ! Currently you only could bypass this restriction by supplying your own
- ! semaphore mechanism - but since expunging can't be done twice, one
- ! should avoid it here.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- APTR ExpungeLib( REG(a6) struct Graphics3DBase *exb )
- {
- struct Graphics3DBase *Graphics3DBase = exb;
- struct SegList *seglist;
- if(!Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_OpenCnt)
- {
- ULONG negsize, possize, fullsize;
- UBYTE *negptr = (UBYTE *) Graphics3DBase;
- seglist = Graphics3DBase->exb_SegList;
- Remove((struct Node *)Graphics3DBase);
- L_CloseLibs();
- negsize = Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_NegSize;
- possize = Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_PosSize;
- fullsize = negsize + possize;
- negptr -= negsize;
- FreeMem(negptr, fullsize);
- return(seglist);
- }
- Graphics3DBase->exb_LibNode.lib_Flags |= LIBF_DELEXP;
- return(NULL);
- }
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! ExtFunct:
- !
- ! This one is enclosed within a Forbid/Permit pair by Exec V37-40. Since a
- ! Wait() call would break this Forbid/Permit(), you are not allowed to
- ! start any operations that may cause a Wait() during their processing.
- ! It's possible, that future OS versions won't turn the multi-tasking off,
- ! but instead use semaphore protection for this function.
- !
- ! Currently you only can bypass this restriction by supplying your own
- ! semaphore mechanism - but since this function currently is unused, you
- ! should not touch it, either.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- ULONG ExtFuncLib(void)
- {
- return(NULL);
- }
- struct Graphics3DBase *Graphics3DBase = NULL;